Appendix 3: Context: Performance Management Framework and Golden Thread



1.1       There are eight component parts of the council’s Performance Management Framework, as shown in this diagram:



1.2       A summary of the 8 areas of the PMF is provided in the table below:



Summary and Performance Management Approach

1 – Business planning and management

·         Plans are set at various levels

o   the partnership plan “Brighton and Hove connected”

o   the council’s corporate plan

o   directorate plans

o   service plans.

·         Executive Leadership Team (ELT) in consultation with relevant Committee Chairs develop a key indicator set mapped to these plans to track performance outcomes and receives quarterly performance update reports. Accountable Directors discuss corrective actions and ELT prioritises options.

·         Corporate KPIs are approved by Policy & Resources Committee (P&R) annually. Performance reports are reviewed at P&R twice a year

2 – Risk management

·         Through understanding risks, decision-makers are better able to take actions to manage those risks and implement mitigating actions

·         Strategic Risks are reviewed quarterly at ELT and reported to the Audit and Standards Committee throughout the year

·         Directorate Management Teams review Directorate risks and relevant strategic risks linked to their directorate quarterly.

3 – Financial management

·         The efficient and effective management of council funds to accomplish the objectives of the council

·       Monthly reviews of actual income and expenditure and comparing this with the allocated budget for each budget holder throughout the year (months 2 to 11) enables variances to be identified and corrective action taken where required.

·       Corporate Critical budgets are identified and more detailed analysis and action planning is undertaken. Progress is reported to ELT monthly and to P&R regularly.


4 – Customer insight

·         Understanding how our customers see and use our services gives us useful information on ways we can improve our performance to deliver value.

·         Analysis of our customer satisfaction survey results and complaints, compliments and comments along with internal contact volumes contribute towards the annual Customer Insight report that is reviewed by ELT and published on the council website.


5 – Modernisation, programmes and projects

·         Modernisation is Council’s Portfolio of change management programmes/projects which support delivery of Corporate Plan.

·         Corporate Modernisation Delivery Board - Sponsoring Group initiates and leads corporate programmes and projects that are intended to achieve outcomes including cross-cutting programmes and projects. Chaired by the Chief Executive and consists of directors and other key officers of the council.

·         Programme and Project Boards are responsible for planning, set-up and management of programmes and projects.

6 – People management

·         People are our most important asset and resource, and good managers make best use of our people to deliver value to our customers

·         Elements of people management include

o   Staff survey

o   Our people data (workforce statistics)

·         Management across the council receive regular reports to enable them to effectively plan service delivery and identify and resolve skill and staffing gaps to enable delivery of the corporate plan


7 – Health & safety management

·         Health and Safety Committee chaired by the Chief Executive are responsible for the development of health and safety policy for the council, monitoring performance on health and safety issues and ensuring that changes to legislation or regulations are implemented effectively.


8 – Safeguarding Quality assurance

·         Quality assurance includes reviewing our practices in relation to safeguarding vulnerable people. This helps prevent mistakes and gives confidence. Monitoring is through safeguarding audits and quality assurance reports are reviewed quarterly by the relevant service at Service Management Team meetings. Local Safeguarding Children’s Broad and Adult’s Safeguarding Boards oversee quality assurance in relation to safeguarding.




1.3       The diagram below demonstrates the ‘Golden Thread’ that links the council’s purpose, principles and priorities through to services delivered at the frontline of the council, and how external factors influence these.